Company directory which covers Germany, Poland and Russia. After you add your company to this directory, your business card will be accessible to all users, who get to the website.
Site has 2 query fields. One for type of business type or company name that you are looking for (e.g. car, workshop, shop). Second for location of that business. By default it contains location of the visitor who got to the website. This was implemented with use of one of the geolocation API's. You are able to change this, of course.
After the visitor queries the database, they will receive a list of results, for the query, split into pages. If there was no match in the database, you would receive results from one of Google API's. The result list contains postal address, provided during registration, a contact phone number and link to Google Maps website for route guidance.
If you would click on one of the results, you would be transfered to full page company business card. This will provide all above information enriched with business profile info and big interactive map with business location - the Google Maps API comes handy here as well. You find here a link to company's website as well.
During this project my responsibilities were to:
This project involved use of: